Online accounts are assets for estate planning purposes

Something to think about as you move forward with your estate planning, is to remember your online accounts and your other “intangibles”. These items may be things that you access on a daily, monthly or only once in a blue moon basis, but if you do not have a plan for them, they could be lost.

What am I talking about here? Well, let me give you a personal example. I have an iTunes account through Apple. In my account, I have purchased a handful of songs. I have these songs stored on my computer, in my iPod, and on my old iPhone. In addition to the songs, I have a credit on my account for gift cards that I was given. All told, my moderate iTunes account has a value of around $150. This is moderate by many contemorary standards and I know of a few people that have purchased well over $1,000 in digital media.

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If you have an iTunes account, or a PayPal account, or any account where you have vested value, you need to remember it in your estate planning. All assets will have a value to someone. Your children, grandchildren, and maybe even great-grandchildren will want to be able to share in your choice of music and if you have the proper plan in place, this will allow it to be shared.

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